All personalized orders go through a verification process and may be rejected at our discretion. The following are examples of reasons an item may be rejected (but are not limited to):
Image Quality
A personalized order can be rejected if the image submitted is:
Low quality, pixelated, blurry/out of focus, backward, or upside down.
Cut off or unreadable
Legal & Intellectual Property
An image can not contain the following:
No third-party advertisements.
No celebrity images (unless it is the celebrity themselves who has submitted the content)
Nothing associated with any recall, lawsuit, or class action lawsuits.
No identifiable names or trademarks unless we own the mark or sell the product.
Personally Identifiable Information
An image may not contain personally identifiable information (PII) such as:
Phone numbers, physical addresses, email addresses. Images may not contain bank account numbers or account numbers of any kind, social security numbers, passport information, driver’s license numbers, or other identifying information.
Inappropriate Material
An image or personalization may not contain material considered offensive or inappropriate.
No controversial or negative comments about another user, customer, or brand.
No content relating to abuse or excessive use of drugs or alcohol.
No content that is considered discriminatory, defamatory, or abusive towards any person, group, nation, religion, political group, celebrity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, or age.
No content that is derogatory or negative towards the origination of a product or merchandise.
No content related to violence, nudity, pornography of any kind, serious injury, or death. This also includes violence towards humans or animals.
No content that is related to legal action against us, the network, a product, or claims that there is malicious intent, malfeasance, or claims of copyright infringement or counterfeit activity.
An image or personalization may be rejected if it contains profanity of any kind that is not already part of the image or brand.